Jesus in Jerusalem: Prelude to the Cross

Day One Publications

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This book examines the record, in all four Gospels, of the first part of Jesus’
final week of ministry.  Highlights include the Triumphal Entry; Jesus’ cleansing of the temple; his debates with his critics; his denunciation of the religious leaders of his day; his overview of world history until his Second Coming; his call to believers to be ready for his return; and his moving
final appeal to all to come to him as Savior. 
An appendix sets out the Bible texts in four parallel columns, to facilitate

  • Paperback
  • 144 pages
  • @ 2021
  • ISBN 9781846256745

About the Author - Robert Bashford taught languages in a secondary school in Essex for some years.  He was involved in the work of
Crusaders (now Urban Saints) and led Scripture Union beach-mission
teams.  He then became a full-time church minister, serving in Essex, Bedfordshire and Kent, and is now an actively retired minister in Northamptonshire.
He is married and has two daughters and five grandchildren. His interests are music, reading, walking and photography.