The True Bounds Of Christian Freedom

Samuel Bolton

Banner of Truth

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1.Does our being made free by Christ free us from the law? 2.Does our being made free by Christ deliver us from all punishments or chastisements for sin? 3.Is it consistent with Christian freedom to be under obligation to perform duties because God has commanded them? 4.May Christ's freemen come into bondage again through sin? 5.Is it consistent with Christian freedom to perform duties out of respect for the recompense of the reward? 6.Does the freedom of a Christian free him from all obedience to men? The True Bounds of Christian Freedom is a clear, scriptural exposition of the place of the law in the life of the Christian. One of the few works currently available which shows the danger of Antinomianism, while also avoiding legalism.

  • Puritan Paperbacks
  • 224 pages
  • 2010
  • 9780851510835