The Story: The Bible's Grand Narrative of Redemption

Jon Neilson

P & R Publishing

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Have you ever tried reading through the entire Bible, only to bail partway through a huge list of names or a chapter on infectious skin diseases? The sixty-six books of the Bible may seem pretty different from each other, but they actually tell one story-a story with one author, one hero, and one key plotline. (And yes, sometimes skin diseases do play an important part!) This yearlong study of God's Word guides you through five acts of his grand story of redemption. Although you won't read every chapter in the Bible, daily Scripture and devotional readings will equip you to understand the unity and development of God's story and to grow in your personal discipline of Bible study and prayer. The Bible is the most important story you'll ever read and you're a character in it! Dig in to The Story to discover what God's grand narrative means for your life.