The Gift of Grace: Roman Catholic Teaching In the Light of the Bible

T Vanhuysse

Evangelical Press

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Roman Catholics and Protestants both speak of the 'grace of God', but what does this expression really mean? Is there any place at all for human merit, for an element of co-operation in a person's salvation, or is it totally the work of God, a free gift which cannot be earned? How are sins forgiven? Did Christ do it all on the cross or do we have to bear any part of the punishment ourselves? When we understand what the Bible means by 'the grace of God' we will know the answer to these questions. T. Vanhuysse was brought up in Belgium as a Roman Catholic, and in this book looks at traditional Catholic teaching on grace and justification in the light of what the Bible teachers. This book will be a help to all who want to understand more about the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as for those Catholics who desire to examine their church's teaching in the light of the Bible.



112 Pages

ISBN: 9780852342985

Evangelical Press, 1992