Una de las organizaciones fundadas por Charles Spurgeon fue el Pastor's College (1856), que despues adopto el nombre de Spurgeon College. Fue alli que en 1865 inicio unas conferencias anuales para pastores, doce de ellas component el presente libro. Spurgeon fue un evangelista que trajo a miles de personas a los pies del Senor, pero tambien le preocupo lo que viene despues de la etapa evangelistica: la edificacion de la iglesia. Si hoy presenciamos una decadencia abismante en la labor pastoral es porque se ha descuidado tanto el character como el mensaje del pastor. Este libro le proveera al ministro de una guia fundamental para dirigir su ministerio en la direccion correcta.
English Translation: A well-founded organization by Charles Spurgeon was the Pastor's College (1856), that later adopted the name of Spurgeon College. It was this that in 1865 initiated an annual conference for pastors, twelve of which compose the present book. Spurgeon was an evangelist that brought thousands of people to the feet of the Lord, but he also worried about the next evangelistic stage: the edification of the church. If we witness today an abysmal decline in the quality of pastoral work it's because it has been neglected like that of the message of the pastor. This book will provide the minister with a fundamental guide for directing his ministry in the right direction.
English Translation: A well-founded organization by Charles Spurgeon was the Pastor's College (1856), that later adopted the name of Spurgeon College. It was this that in 1865 initiated an annual conference for pastors, twelve of which compose the present book. Spurgeon was an evangelist that brought thousands of people to the feet of the Lord, but he also worried about the next evangelistic stage: the edification of the church. If we witness today an abysmal decline in the quality of pastoral work it's because it has been neglected like that of the message of the pastor. This book will provide the minister with a fundamental guide for directing his ministry in the right direction.