Make Your Church's Money Work: Achieving Financial Integrity in Your Congegation

John Temple

Day One Publications

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The finances of a church are a concrete expression of its vision, its priorities and its commitment to doing things 'decently and in order'. This book examines the basis of sound biblical stewardship as applied to the practical aspects of budgeting, reporting and control of expenses in a church. It suggests a remuneration policy for pastors and other paid workers, outlines the responsibilities of members in supporting their church and includes a suggested spreadsheet for budgeting and reporting. Written in non-accountancy terminology, this book should be read by church leaders and anyone who spends any of the church's money, as well as by all who give money to a local church.

About the Author: 

Dr John Temple spent his secular career as an entrepreneur and businessman, mostly at Chief Executive level. He has held virtually every office in a church, from youth leader to deacon and elder, church secretary and treasurer. Throughout this service, he sought to teach and apply sound theology to the policy of the church in financial and administrative matters. He helped plant four churches and several transitions to a more biblical organization. He holds a Ph.D.(Lond), a B.Sc. (Eng.) (Rand) and an AEP (MBA equivalent). John and his wife, Yvonne, live in the New Forest in Hampshire, England.