Make the World your Parish

Day One Publications

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Christianity is going global, yet most pastors are not called to a worldwide itinerant ministry but to a local body of believers. Nevertheless, Reggie Weems argues, local-church ministry does not imply global disengagement. If you are a pastor, it is possible to transform your local church into a worldwide gospel-preaching center and global-missions outpost. This book demonstrates your place in God's great renovation project and encourages you to join the grand reversal now underway by making the world your parish. It also suggests practical ways for you and your church to influence other people, congregations, and the world in God's comprehensive restoration scheme.

About the Author:

Converted at 17, Reggie Weems married his childhood sweetheart and served as an Egyptian linguist for the U.S. government before assuming his first of only two pastorates at the age of 22. He is presently engaged in DMin studies on church leadership at Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA) and PhD studies in historical theology at the University of Babes-Bolyai in Cluj, Romania. In two decades of leadership, Heritage Baptist Church reflects Reggie’s passion for the global acknowledgement of Jesus Christ.