Lord's Day: Why go to Church Twice on Sunday

David Campbell

Day One Publications

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The church’s practice of gathering for worship both morning and evening on the Lord’s Day reflects a very ancient tradition that was once universal. Generations of believers have found it a tremendous help in their endeavour to put the Lord’s Day to the very best use. They have relished the double opportunity it affords to meet with God, to unite in worship, to receive instruction, and to minister to one another’s needs. Sunday evening worship, however, has been dropped by numerous churches. Large numbers of believers are content to come out in the morning and spend the remainder of the Lord’s Day doing other things. The aim of this booklet is to impress on us the great value of evening worship and to encourage us to make it a priority.

David Campbell’s booklet, The Lord’s Day, is of great value for our time. It is written warmly and with application to every class of our human race. It will provide a brief history of worship throughout the ages. There are many Scriptures to be referenced which undergird his advice. Pastor Campbell’s appeal to seeking the presence of God and His Son in worship is especially both biblical (Psalm 63) and moving in its presentation.

                                                                                Walter J Chantry

David Campbell has reminded us in this booklet of the high priority we ought to give to gathering with the Lord's people on his day. It has become fashionable to neglect it, or to reduce it to attending a morning service. But church is not what we do; it is primarily what God does for us. Why should we miss out on his promised blessing by cutting back on our church attendance? Read the wise counsel in this booklet, and pass it on to all your Christian friends!

Rev. Dr. Iain D Campbell, Free Church of Scotland

This booklet has been written with a Pastor’s heart.  There is nothing harsh or legalistic here, but a winsome plea for the Lord’s people to enter more fully into the joy and the blessings of the Lord’s Day.  It is clearly shown that to make both worship services on the Lord’s Day a priority brings glory to God, encourages the church, speaks to a watching world, and brings great benefit to ourselves.  I hope that this booklet will have a wide circulation and influence.

Rev. Mark Rowcroft, Pastor, Geneva Road Evangelical Baptist Church, Darlington

This is a heart-warming and challenging booklet and I am delighted to see it in circulation.  It is well written and well produced, practical yet sensitive, drawing upon both Scripture and church history to highlight the personal benefit and mutual encouragement to be derived from gathering not once, but twice, every Lord’s Day for worship, teaching and fellowship.

Rev. Dr. Donald MacLeod, Edinburgh Theological Seminary

About the Author:

David Campbell was born and grew up in Scotland. In 1987, after studying for four years at the Free Church of Scotland College, Edinburgh, he became the pastor of Geneva Road Evangelical Baptist Church, Darlington, England. Since 2002 he has been Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA. He is the author of several books published by Day One, including Opening up Galatians, and Handle that new call with care. He is married to Mairi and they have two daughters.