A Journey in Evangelism and Missions, finds its setting in the context of a mission trip to Kenya by Ira Pointer and several others, including one pastor who is convinced that Calvinism kills evangelism and missions. This becomes not only the theological discussion point of the entire team at their meals, but also the reality of the fact that the Calvinists on the team do practice evangelism and missions, much to the surprise of the non-Calvinist pastor. In the theological parts of the book Ira and the team discuss the lives of Calvinists who did practice evangelism and missions, and the basis for their doing so, as well as the theology and practices of Charles G. Finney. This will be a help to anyone who is facing those who believe and argue ignorantly today that Calvinism kills evangelism and missions! Far from it! Calvinism gives the true theological basis for the practice of evangelism and missions!