What I write here is for the glory of God. For more than twenty years have I been urged to record my story as a Missionary of the Cross; but always till now, in my sixty-fourth year, my heart has shrunk from the task, as savoring too much of self. Latterly the conviction has been borne home to me that if there be much in my experience which the Church of God ought to know, it would be pride on my part, and not humility, to let it die with me. I lift my pen, therefore, with that motive supreme in my heart; and, so far as memory and entries in my notebooks and letters of my own and of other friends serve or help my sincere desire to be truthful and fair, the following chapters will present a faithful picture of the life through which the Lord has led me. -- JOHN G PATON (from the Introduction)
- Hardcover
- 524 pages
- 2018
- 9781800404502