Institutes of the Christian Religion: 2 Volume Set (Paperback)

John Calvin

Westminster John Knox Press

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Institutes of the Christian Religion: 2 Volumes:

Price includes both Volume 1 and Volume 2

This is the definitive English- language edition of one of the monumental works of the Christian church. Under Dr. McNeill's personal supervision labored a whole corps of expert Latinists and Calvin scholars. All previous editions---in Latin, French, German, and English---have been collated; references and notes have been verified, corrected, and expanded; and new bibliographies have been added. The translator and his associates have taken great care to preserve the rugged strength and vividness of Calvin's writing. They have not, however, hesitated to break up overly long sentences to conform to modern English usage or, whenever possible, to render heavy Latinate theological terms in simple language. The result is a translation that achieves a high degree of accuracy and at the same time is eminently readable. A two volume set with indexes featuring the translation by Dr. Ford Battles. 

  • Paperback
  • 1822 pages
  • 1960
  • 2370004705798