A reader-friendly guide to seeing how each book of the Bible fits into the grand story of God's love for the world The Bible is made up of 66 books, written over thousands of years by authors as diverse and distinct as Moses and the Apostle John. It's filled with history, poetry, prophecy, songs and hymns, essays and proverbs. All this can be overwhelming, especially to new readers. In their first book, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, Fee and Stuart helped readers understand the literary dimensions of the Bible. They taught readers techniques for interpreting Scripture while maintaining faithfulness to literary genres. Now, in How to Read the Bible Book by Book, the authors instruct people in how to read the Bible as a whole. They examine the "whole" Bible, then narrow it down to "whole" books, so readers will understand how each individual book fits into the complete story of the Bible. This is a true "reader's guide", in which the authors take readers by the hand, point out what they are reading, and show them how all the parts fit together into a wonderful and magnificent whole.
- Paperback
- 444 pages
- 2002
- 9780310518082