Help Us To Pray

Bargain BooksJohn Thornbury

Evangelical Press

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We know just how the disciple felt when he asked, 'Lord, teach us to pray...' There can be no area in our Christian life that causes us such heart searching. Where is the power in our prayer? Will our prayers be heard and will god answer them? We want to pray and know we should pray, but we rarely seem to get started, let alone become persistent in prayer. We need help!

By looking to the teaching and the example of the Lord Jesus Christ. John Thornbury seeks to show us where we can find the help we need. A right understanding of the Lord's teaching can be a doorway to a new experience of delightful communion with the Father and leads us to a more dynamic prayer life.

  • Paperback
  • 109 Pages
  • Publication Date: 1991
  • ISBN 9780852342862