En el ltimo gran avivamiento religioso que hubo en la Gran Bretaa, hace un poco ms de cien aos, no haba figura que llamara ms la atencin que la de Brownlow North (1810-1875). Aunque su familia se distingui por ser parlamentarios y lderes de la iglesia, North, vivi sin mayores preocupaciones como deportista, soldado y hacendado, hasta una noche inolvidable en 1854. La razn por el cambio que oper en su vida no ha sido descrita en mejores detalles que en los captulos de este libro que formaron parte de los discursos que dio al aire libre durante el avivamiento en Irlanda del Norte en 1859.
English Translation: In the last great religious revival that there was in Great Britain, a little more than one- hundred years ago, there was no figure that would call more attention than Brownlow North (1810-1875). Although his family was distinguished enough to be parliamentarians and leaders in the church, North, lived without any major preoccupations such as sports, military, or landowning, until one unforgettable night in 1854. The reason for the change that occurred in his life hasn't been described in more detail than in the chapters of this book that formed part of the discourses that became public during the revival in Northern Ireland in 1859.
- Paperback
- 352 pages
- October 1, 1964
- 9780851514208