Dressed to Kill: Tulip Booklets

Robert G. Spinney

Tulip Books

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The issue of modest and immodest clothing is rarely discussed these days. Why? Many Christians are fearful of creating legalistic and grace- denying dress codes. In some circles, personal holiness is such a low priority that there is little concern with lust, sexual temptation, or becoming a stumblingblock to others. But if Jesus Christ is truly the lord of your entire life, surely He must be lord of your wardrobe. The Puritan pastor Matthew Henry put it this way: "The purity of the heart will show itself in the modesty of the dress." This booklet examines the biblical principles relating to modesty and includes practical suggestions regarding God-honoring Christian attire.
  • Booklet
  • 29 pages
  • 2007
  • 9780977668083