Biblical Doctrines

B. B. Warfield

Banner of Truth

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In Biblical Doctrines B.B. Warfield reveals his mastery of such subjects as the doctrines of the Trinity, the Person and Work of Christ, Redemption and Faith. He covers the ground from the first essay, on Predestination, to the final one, on the Millennium, with the apparent ease of the master craftsman. Although justly famed for his landmark defence of the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture, B.B. Warfield was a theologian with multiple interests.

Rigorous in his scholarship, Warfield also possessed a personal spirit and style reminiscent of John Calvin’s ideal of clarity and brevity. He had a highly refined ability to expound the truth to the mind in such a way that it arouses a distinctly religious response. In so doing he exemplifies the principle that all biblical theology ultimately leads to doxology.

  • Hardcover
  • 674 pages
  • July 1, 1988
  • 9780851515342

Biblical Doctrines by B.B. Warfield