Abortion: Open Your Mouth for the Dumb (Banner of Truth Booklet)

Peter Barnes

Banner of Truth

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In the wide range of contemporary moral debate the abortion question occupies a central place. To the majority of people today the termination of an unwanted pregnancy is regarded as a woman's unquestionable right. But can this right ever take precedence over the unborn's right to life? In this booklet Peter Barnes argues for the biblical teaching that the unborn baby is in God's image and so protected by the sixth commandment. He exhorts us to open our mouth for the dumb (Prov. 31:8). Previously published as Open your mouth for the dumb.
  • Type: Booklet
  • Pages: 64
  • ISBN: 9781848710542
  • Publisher: Banner of Truth
  • Publication Date: February 1, 2010
Abortion Open Your Mouth for the Dumb Peter Barnes