A History of the Work of Redemption

Jonathan Edwards

Banner of Truth

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The scope of Jonathan Edwards’ book, A History of the Work of Redemption, is vast. From a deep extensive knowledge of Scripture, Jonathan Edwards sets out to survey the whole of the redemptive work of God in history, from the Fall of man to the consummation of all things.

A thrilling conclusion emerges: Everything in human history from start to finish is subservient to Christ’s work of redemption. Not only can nothing thwart that work, but, in the wisdom of God, all that comes to pass actually serves to advance it.

In a series of thirty sermons preached in Northampton, New England, in 1739, Edwards sought to establish his congregation in this mighty truth. Later in his ministry he hoped to write a book expounding the same theme, and was even reluctant to accept the presidency of Princeton College for fear this project would be hindered.

Although he did not live to carry out his intention, we can see the substance of what the intended book would have contained in this new edition of the sermons of 1739. Here readers can catch Edward’s vision of the mighty advance of the cause of Christ in the world, and gain encouragement for all gospel labours from the certainty of its triumph.

  • Type: Cloth-Bound
  • Pages: 448
  • ISBN: 9780851518442
  • Publisher: Banner of Truth
  • Banner Publication Date: November 1, 2003
  • Original Publication Date: 1774

A History of the Work of Redemption Jonathan Edwards