A Commentary on James: Good Words, Bad Words; Good Works, Bad Works; True Faith, False Faith

Tom Nettles

Free Grace Press

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As a local church pastor whose weekly commitment is to the preaching of God’s Word, one part of my regular reading is in Bible commentaries. Obviously, not all literature in this genre is the best to read for many reasons. But there are some that surface that capture your attention, provoke your thoughts, deepen your devotion to God, and aid you to greater sanctification. Such is the effect of Tom Nettles’ new commentary on James. In addition, though, to Tom’s work, there are peppered throughout this book the pithy musings of Tom’s sister, Sylvia, who has clearly meditated much on James and how this New Testament letter calls us to greater Christlikeness. Suffice it to say, Tom Nettles and Sylvia have done a great service to the church for the present and future generations by the gift of their labors producing one of the finest single commentaries on James.

Kurt M. Smith
Pastor, Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Remlap, Alabama

 Throughout his long and now legendary teaching ministry, Dr. Tom Nettles has defended the Bible as the Word of God, inspired, inerrant, and infallible. Now, in this commentary on the Book of James, Dr. Nettles reveals his heart for teaching the Bible. This commentary will help the reader to understand the riches God has given the church in this powerful New Testament book, and this work will tremendously encourage Christians. An added dimension comes with the comments offered by Sylvia Nettles Dickson, Professor Nettles’ sister. This is a book Christians will welcome.

—R. Albert Mohler, Jr.,
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary


  • Paperback
  • 104 pages
  • May 18, 2021
  •   9781952599040