Many people in our contemporary 'run away world' are too busy to contemplate the major issues of life, however there are questions which no one can avoid! There is the question of identity. Who exactly am I?, what kind of image do I want to portray?, what kind of person am I trying to be?, what kind of person should I be? There is the question of purpose. Why am I here on this planet?, what goals do I have for my life ?, what do I want to achieve?, what do I dream of doing?, do I want to just live for me or for others?, do I hope to make the world a better place?, There is the question of suffering. It cries out to us every day as the media bombards us with images of violence, death, war, famine, flooding and destruction. Why do I get hurt? Why do people suffer terrible diseases? Why is there so much inequality and injustice in the world? There is the ultimate question of death. The one certain fact of this life is death. What happens when we die? Will there be another life or will it just be annihilation? Where will we go? Will there be perfection beyond the grave? Will the future be physical or spiritual? These are questions to which Jesus offers answers that make sense and provide a means of positive living. Please read on!
- Paperback
- 64 pages
- @ 2019
- ISBN 9781846256530
About the Author - Nigel Scotland spent the greater part of his life lecturing in church history at what became the University of
Gloucestershire. He studied at McGill and Bristol Universities and earned a doctorate in church history at the University of Aberdeen.
He has been involved in church planting and from 2006 to 2017 he taught theology students at the Bristol Baptist College and Trinity College Bristol. Nigel is the author of more than twenty books the most recent of which include Christianity Outside the Box, Travel Through Rome published by DayOne, The New Passover Rethinking the Lord’s
Supper for Today and George Whitefield The First Transatlantic Revivalist.