What is the Kingdom of God?

Solid Ground Christian Books

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Originally published in 1922 following World War I and then republished in 1939 at the start of World War II, Dr. Richard C. Reed, author of THE GOSPEL AS TAUGHT BY CALVIN (recently republished by Banner of Truth), carefully examines the question: WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD? CONTENTS 1) The Answer of the Premillenialists 2) The Answer of Prophecy 3) Another Answer from Prophecy 4) The Answer of the New Testament 5) The Answer of History 6) The Answer of our Standards 7) The Answer of the Hymnbook 8) The Millennium FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION The lectures that make up this little book were delivered by Rev. R.C. Reed, D.D., before the Christian Workers' Training School at Belhaven College, Jackson, MS, June 1921. Those who heard the lectures asked for their publication, and appointed the undersigned to carry into effect their wishes. The manuscript was secured from Dr. Reed, and, by the good offices of the Presbyterian Committee of Publication, they are now given to the public.