Luke, Volume 1 Knowing for Sure, (Chapters 1–10) 13-Lesson Study (Reformed Expository Bible Study)

Jon Nielson


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When our faith falters, Luke’s gospel meets us with the explicit and vital purpose of helping us to be certain of the good news of Jesus’s death and resurrection. In Luke 1–10, we see Luke’s emphasis on Jesus’s care for the poor, the outcast, and the weak—in both his teaching and his miraculous works.

This Reformed Expository Bible Study is designed for personal and group use. Each lesson connects to the rest of the Bible and holds to the same standards as the Reformed Expository Commentary series: a high view of Scripture; a Christ-centered focus; a Reformed theological basis; and an emphasis on personal application and prayer.

  • Paperback
  • 120 pages
  • May 2021
  • 9781629958415