Family, Government, and Church: Relating Three Jurisdictions of Divinely Delegated Authority

Bret Matthew Laird

Shepherd Press

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Western governments are growing increasingly hostile to both the family and the church. This creates an urgent need to equip parents, church leaders, and individual believers with biblical answers to three vital questions:

  • What should a believer’s attitude and perspective be toward human government?
  • How can we know when we are supposed to submit to government (Romans 13:1) and when we must “obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29)?
  • How can we know when governments have exceeded the limits of their divinely ordained jurisdiction and intruded on authority which God has given exclusively to the church or to the family?

In his careful exposition of Romans 13 and other key passages, Pastor Bret Laird provides readers with biblical principles and a decision-making paradigm which they can use to navigate our increasingly complex socio-political landscape.

  • Paperback
  • 96 pages
  • November 2021
  • 9781633422469