Knowing the Heart: Jonathan Edwards on True and False Conversion

Jonathan Edwards

International Outreach

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A series of sermons never before published, with the exception of one, by Jonathan Edwards regarding the heart of man. Edwards uncovers the heart of man to be at enmity with God: depraved, deceitful, and proud. Nichols, as editor, premises that effective evangelism is dependent upon a knowledge of how the heart works and understanding the signs of true and false conversion. Chapters particularly relevant for today include: "A Pretense of Trusting in Christ is Vain as Long as Men Live Wicked Live"; "Particular Repentance is Necessary to Salvation"; and one the may shock many in our prosperous day, "God Gives Plenty of Earthly Things to Those He Hates".
  • Hardcover
  • 435 pages
  • 9781892838070