What does it mean to serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter? What is the Christian's relationship to the Law of Moses? What is the law of Christ? How are love and law related? Are the commandments of the Old Testament still relevant in the Christian life? What does it mean to be free from the Law? How does love fulfill the whole law? These questions, and many others, are considered in The Law of Christ. Too often Christians have looked to something other than Christ for their supreme rule of duty. They have centered their lives around a list of rules; rather than His new commandment to love. Not realizing that the goal of all Christian instruction is love, they have too often valued Bible knowledge, preaching ability, ministry, and gifts above the one thing that matters most in the Christian life. Yet, according to the New Testament, love is the fulfillment of the whole law, and no amount of sacrifice, knowledge, or even faith means anything apart from it. The goal of this book is to point believers to their perfect Savior and standard, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Himself love incarnate, and who alone can enable them in some measure to love as He loved.