Journey in Grace

Richard Belcher

Grace & Truth Books

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This is the story of a young pastor with a typical twentieth- century theology and his pursuit of a burning theological question which was triggered in his first experience with a pulpit search committee. He cannot and does not rest until he has answered the challenge of the question, "Young man, are you a Calvinist?" As related by the author, the story of young Ira's theological quest is more than a cold theological presentation. The search from its beginning on the first pages to the end on the final pages is set in the context of real life people such as the reader has no doubt encountered in living the Christian life. The main character's roommate in college, his professors at school, the churches he pastors and his experiences in them, his friends, and his fiance are all woven into an interesting and surprising story. Even those who think they do not have an analytical mind to plunge into the depths of the intricacies of theology will be amazed at the theology they learn (whether they agree or disagree with the conclusions of the book) from the reading of his unique story in its captivating setting.

237 pages