What Is Saving Faith?: Reflections on Receiving Christ as a Treasure

John Piper


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What happens in the heart when it experiences real saving faith? John Piper argues that faith in Christ is not saving unless it includes an “affectional dimension of treasuring Christ.” Nor is God glorified as he ought to be unless he is treasured in being trusted. Saving faith in Jesus Christ welcomes him forever as our supreme and inexhaustible pleasure. 

What Is Saving Faith? explains that a Savior who is treasured for his all-satisfying worth is more glorified than a Savior who is only trusted for his all-forgiving competence. In this way, saving faith reaches its God-appointed goal: the perfections of Christ glorified by our being satisfied in him forever.


Introduction: What Are We Really Asking?

Part 1: The Roots of My Concern
Chapter 1: Taking the Lordship Battle to Another Level
Chapter 2: The “Free Will” Air We Breathe
Chapter 3: Why I Am Not a Roman Catholic
Chapter 4: If Saving Faith Is Affectional, Does It Merit Justification?
Chapter 5: Provocative Voices from Church History
Chapter 6: Does “Saving Allegiance” Clarify Saving Faith?

Part 2: Seeing Reality through Six Hundred Lenses
Chapter 7: Confident Trust in What Jesus Says (Clarifications 1–4)
Chapter 8: Saving Faith Receives Christ Himself (Clarification 5)
Chapter 9: The Spiritual Sight of the Glory of Christ (Clarification 6)
Chapter 10: The Substance of Things Hoped For (Clarification 7)
Chapter 11: The Root of All God-Pleasing Works (Clarification 8)
Chapter 12: A Supernatural Creation of God (Clarification 9)

Part 3: Receiving Christ as Our Supreme Treasure
Chapter 13: Saving Faith Receives Christ, but Not in Vain
Chapter 14: The Message of Jesus about His Supreme Value
Chapter 15: The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ Jesus
Chapter 16: We Have This Treasure in Jars of Clay

Part 4: Christ, the Believer’s Treasure and Satisfaction
Chapter 17: Saving Faith Is the Substance of Hoped-For Joy
Chapter 18: Saving Faith as Receiving Love for the Truth of the Gospel
Chapter 19: Saving Faith Overcomes the World
Chapter 20: Whoever Believes in Me Shall Never Thirst

Part 5: Calling for Faith When Faith Is Affectional
Chapter 21: The Offer of Treasure
Chapter 22: Counting the Cost of Embracing the Treasure
Chapter 23: Warning People to Flee from Judgment to Joy
Chapter 24: Repentance, the Renovation of the Heart’s Desire
Chapter 25: Does Affectional Faith Make Evangelism Impossible?
Chapter 26: Does Affectional Faith Undermine Assurance?

Conclusion: Saving Faith, Designed for the Glory of God
Appendix: A Response and Challenge
General Index
Scripture Index

  • Hardcover
  • 304 pages
  • April 2022
  • 9781433578366