One God in Three Persons

Bruce A. WareJohn Starke


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How do the three persons of the Trinity relate to each other? Evangelicals continue to wrestle with this complex issue and its implications for our understanding of men and women's roles in both the home and the church. Pushing back against feminist theologies that view the Trinity as model for evangelical egalitarianism, One God in Three Persons turns to the Bible, church history, philosophy, and systematic theology to argue for the eternal submission of the Son to the Father. Edited by Bruce A. Ware, John Starke, Contributions by Kyle Claunch, Christohper W. Cowan, Phil Gons, Wayne Grudem, James M. Hamilton Jr., Michael A. G. Haykin, Robert Letham, Andrew David Naselli, K. Scott Oliphint, Michael Ovey, C. Jeffrey Robinson Sr.