This is a popular biography of Hudson Taylor and the Chinese Inland Mission - similar in the style and presentation to those of Paton and Luther by the same author. It will appeal to all Christians wanting to know more about this famous missionary to China and the times in which he lived. It is a good story for young and old alike, and the chapter lengths are just right for devotional reading with children. Jim Cromarty is a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia. He also taught for twenty-seven years in a number of primary schools in Australia. [The title of this book originated from Lady Beauchamp's children. Sir Montagu Beauchamp who gave 30 years service to the CIM often spoke of his childhood days when Hudson came to their home. The cries went up from the children as they saw Hudson approaching (dressed in his Chinese clothing) "Here comes the pigtail and chopsticks' man".]