A church reformed and always reforming, according to the word of God means that the truly Reformed church continues to live by the word of God from age to age, applies it to every aspect of her life, maintains the sound doctrine of the creeds from generation to generation; resists every threat to the Reformed faith, and develops the truth of the Reformed faith. Always Reforming demonstrated that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century. The fivefold division of this book recognizes the ongoing reformation of these Reformed churches as having taken place in five distinct and doctrinally significant controversies. David J. Engelsma is emeritus professor of theology at the Protestant Reformed Seminary, Grandville, Michigan.