What Are Spiritual Gifts? (Basics of the Faith)

Vern Poythress

P & R Publishing

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Spiritual gifts, given by God, empower believers to serve others in both the church and the world. However, our own spiritual gifts today aren’t always easy to identify. What gifts are there? How should they be used? Which gifts apply to the apostolic era? Which apply to us?

Even among serious, searching believers, these are still divisive questions. Can light be shed on these issues? Vern Poythress illuminates them by turning to the authority of Scripture and allowing it to speak for itself.

Basics of the Faith booklets introduce readers to basic Reformed doctrine and practice. On issues of church government and practice they reflect that framework—otherwise they are suitable for all church situations.


  • Type: Paperback
  • Pages: 40
  • ISBN 9781596382091
  • @  2010