Christian ministers no longer have a recognized role in society; churches are no longer the influence they once were; preaching is at a discount. In many denominations and groups, new strategies have replaced the old verities of the faith of the gospel. What is the way ahead?
Dr. D. Broughton Knox calls us back to biblical foundations as the only way of gaining clarity of thought and vision. He writes in the quiet confidence that those who are ‘sent by Jesus’ will never lack their Master’s presence, power and guidance.
Sent By Jesus will help to instil biblical sanity to discussions about the work of the Christian ministry; even more importantly, it will bring encouragement to those who have obeyed Christ’s call to serve him, wherever he sends them, whatever the cost.
Dr. Broughton Knox was for many years Principal of Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australia. Now in official retirement he is actively serving in the newly-founded George Whitefield College in Kalk Bay, South Africa.
96 pages
Published 1996
ISBN 9780851516257