The Puritans: Their Origins And Successors

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Banner of Truth

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What did the Puritans and their successors teach? Was their teaching biblical? What can we learn from them for our life and witness today? These questions guided Dr. LLoyd-Jones in giving the addresses in this volume. Far from sharing the idea that a knowledge of the past is useless or irrelevant, he believed that the study of history is vital to the well-being of the church today.

In these addresses given at the Puritan Studies and Westminster Conferences between 1959 and 1978, Dr. LLoyd-Jones ranges widely over the history of Reformed Christianity from the Reformation to the nineteenth century, drawing lessons from major figures like Calvin and Knox, Bunyan and Owen, Edwards and Whitefield, and from lesser-known men such as Henry Jacob, John Glas and Robert Sandeman.

Written in an absorbing and stimulating style, these studies continue to speak with great insight and relevance to the church of the twenty-first century.


544 pages

April 1, 1987