A rich volume, dropping fatness. Invaluable to the preacher. Having read and re-read it, we can speak of its holy savour and suggestiveness. We commend it with much fervour.’ — C. H. SPURGEON
Of all the books of Scripture, the Book of Psalms has ever occupied a foremost position in the experience of believers. For three thousand years it has nurtured infants, guided pilgrims, fired Reformers, inspired preachers, solaced martyrs, and comforted the aged. In those eras when the power of godliness has been most evident, the Psalms have been central in the life of the Church.
The importance of the Psalms is reflected in the vast amount of literature devoted to them. From Athanasius in the fourth century to C. H. Spurgeon in the nineteenth, valuable commentaries on the Psalms have steadily multiplied. The particular value of this work by Dickson is that it is simply written and is a compact size. It is suggestive rather than exhaustive and designed not for the deliberation of scholars but for the meditation of saints. While Dickson aims primarily at giving an accurate exegesis his main emphasis is instructive and devotional.
- Hardcover
- 1064 pages
- 9780851514819
- Original pub date 1655
- Banner pub date 1959
- Geneva Series Commentaries