Meeting Jesus - THE 'I AM' Sayings of Christ

R.C. Sproul

Banner of Truth

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Who is Jesus? Nearly every adult person has formed some opinion of him. These opinions may be superficial, uninformed, or downright heretical.

But does it really matter what we think about Jesus? After all, he was a man who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, so how relevant can he be to people in the twenty-first century?

The answer to that question ultimately rests upon whether what Jesus said about himself is true.

In this short book, R. C. Sproul looks at seven sayings of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of John which reveal his true identity and teach us the truth about him. By considering these ‘I am’ sayings we meet Jesus and learn just how relevant he truly is.

  • Paperback
  • 77 pages
  • Sept 2019
  • 9781848719286