Help Heavenward - Guidance and Strength for the Christian’s Life Journey

Octavius Winslow

Banner of Truth

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Admission to heaven is promised and guaranteed to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but they all need help to get there.

Sin,suffering, death and Satan obstruct the believer’s progress in faith and obedience. But God’s grace, his Son’s merit and the Spirit’s might, all cooperate to direct, uphold, encourage and restore the believer who persevered on the holy pilgrimage.

Help Heavenward, a practical handbook on sanctification with heaven ever in view, is devotional writing at its finest. I know of no better book to give to Christians as they struggle in this sinful world to live in obedience to their Saviour. Use this book to become acquainted with those sacred truths of Scripture that the Spirit uses to mould our thoughts, words, and actions for Christlike living.


232 pages

Dec. 2023