The Gospel as Taught by Calvin

R.C. Reed

Banner of Truth

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The book you hold in your hands is a rare gem. It was written to help Christians come to a clearer understanding of and appreciation for ‘the gospel of the grace of God’. Its author, drawing on the legacy of John Calvin, takes up and answers the following important questions:

What are the origins of Calvinism and Arminianism?
What effect had Adam’s fall upon human nature?
Is God’s grace in the conversion of a sinner invincible?
Who makes the first choice in salvation- Christ or the sinner?
Is the atonement limited in its design and scope?
Is it true that ‘once in grace always in grace’?
How does Calvinism square with the love of God?
Do the fruits of Calvinism show it to be biblical?

  • Paperback
  • 160 pages
  • 2009
  • 9781848710306

The Gospel as Taught by Calvin