Keep a Quiet Heart

Elisabeth Elliot

Baker Books

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When you long for a quiet refuge away from the noisy, frenetic circumstances of day-to-day commitments--where do you turn? If you're Elisabeth Elliot, acclaimed speaker and author of many best- selling books, you look to one place alone: to the embracing arms of our omnipotent and infinitely loving heavenly Father. Keep a Quiet Heart is a unique collection culled from the lead articles featured in Mrs. Elliot's newsletter over the past several years. "Mostly they are about learnng to know God," the author says. "Nothing else comes close to being as important as that. It's what we are here for." Join Elisabeth as she points the way to a deeper, more fulfilling--and restful--walk with God.
  • Paperback
  • 269 pages
  • 2022
  • 9780800759902