John Piper Small Group: Gravity and Gladness: The Pursuit of God in Corporate Worship DVD

audioJohn Piper


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This study guide and DVD will help small groups journey toward a better understanding of how seriousness and happiness blend in godly worship.

What does the Bible say about corporate worship? What is worship in the first place? The stark differences in worship styles between churches leads to much confusion. Services with flippant worship cause us to miss the majesty and magnificence of God. On the other hand, stiff-necked worship doesn’t recognize that God is actually happy, and that we are called to be happy as well. So what should our worship look like? Is there a balance—worship that is both solemn and joyful?

Yes! Gravity in worship doesn’t mean being stern or grim. And gladness in worship doesn’t mean being frivolous or superficial. If our God is both inestimably glorious and infinitely happy, our worship will have both gravity and gladness, both substance and satisfaction.

In this twelve-session seminar, John Piper looks to the Bible to help individuals and churches discover the true nature of worship. Join Piper as he calls Christians to worship God daily with gravity and gladness.

This DVD of the seminar and its accompanying study guide are especially designed for Bible studies and community groups.